Make sure you put your best foot forward and have energetic, positive people running your presentations. You want them to be passionate and knowledgeable. You won’t have long to make a big impression. Make sure they have a clear space and are not blocked by signs, or booth accessories. 

Draw attention to your booth by letting people know when and where your presentations will be taking place. If you are running a contest, let attendees know how to enter and when they can expect the results. This can get people excited about your demonstration beforehand. 

Keep it under 10 minutes. Trade shows are busy places and it will be hard to keep the attention of your crowd longer than that. You want your presentation to be full of energy and hyped up, don’t drag it out.

Focus on benefits not features. People want to know how you can solve their specific problems. Focus on what it is you can do for them. You can use the features of your products as selling points later on. If your product has moving parts, make sure they are up and running during your demonstration. This gives interested parties a chance to interact with your products directly afterwards. 

Be sure to record your presentation. You can upload it to your website and social media pages after the events. You can add links to products or services to maximize the impact on your website. However you choose to capture these highlights be sure to keep it light and have fun with it!
